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The spare parts for maintenance and replacement of screw air compressor include air filter, oil filter, oil separation core and screw air compressor oil. How should we judge the quality of these parts?
The air filter element can be seen basically. It mainly depends on the paper density and quality of the filter element that can be seen by the naked eye. If the quality is not good, a large number of impurities and dust will run to the inside of the screw compressor, which is easy to block the oil separation core, resulting in high internal pressure, leading to the opening of the safety valve for fuel injection.
The quality of the oil filter is not easy to identify. It mainly depends on the time of use. If the oil filter fails to alarm in advance at the specified time, or the oil pressure is small, and the exhaust temperature is too high, most of these are caused by the blockage of the oil filter. If the quality of the oil filter is not good, it is easy to cause faults in the maintenance of the air compressor.
Oil gas separator is also the most expensive one among the four kinds of consumables. The reason why its price is high is its high cost. The quality of imported oil gas separator is relatively good. Its pressure difference ratio and oil filtration are very good. Generally, the replacement of imported oil gas separator will not cause oil separation failure.
Screw air compressor oil is the blood of the air compressor, without good oil, the air compressor is basically unable to run. We all know that the air compressor manufacturers do not produce screw air compressor oil. Screw air compressor oil is basically one of the petroleum. There are 8000 hours of synthetic oil and 4000 hours of semi synthetic oil, and 2000 hours of mineral oil are the three common grades. Choosing a good synthetic oil is very important for air compressor.
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