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Myth 1: unit lubrication is refueling
Lubrication itself is a very advanced theoretical discipline. At present, few people can fully explain this field. It is a modern science that uses basic theories such as fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, materials science, applied mathematics and physical chemistry to study the principles, materials and methods of lubrication, so as to control harmful friction and wear. Oil filling is only a small part of equipment lubrication, such as an air compressor unit, lubrication process, from the design stage of the unit to the whole life cycle of unit use, maintenance and scrap, lubrication is involved in the whole process. When lubricating oil is added between two friction gear surfaces, oil film is formed to avoid direct contact between gear friction surfaces and reduce wear. However, considering that there are some side effects of lubricating oil, it is necessary to control the oil filling quantity of the unit. For example: the temperature of the piston unit is low in winter. Before starting up, the viscosity of the lubricating oil is large, and more lubricating oil will make the temperature of the oil rise slowly, and the temperature of the oil is low, which increases the resistance of the unit when it rotates, the viscosity is large, and the starting torque of the motor is increased. Therefore, it is stipulated that it is only necessary to fill 1 / 3 ~ 2 / 3 of the lubricating oil scale line.
Myth 2: lubricants can be replaced each other
For each equipment unit, the type, brand and production raw materials of lubricating oil selected by different manufacturers are different according to the specific characteristics of equipment working conditions, working environment, friction surface, material performance and different design lubrication methods. For example, the unit with high speed and strong wedge action ability is required to select the lubricating oil with low viscosity during oil selection; the unit with large unit area load of friction surface should select the lubricating oil with high viscosity and good oil property; When the working environment temperature of the unit is high, the lubricating oil with high viscosity, high flash point, strong stability or high drop point shall be selected, for example, Atlas unit belongs to this type. The smaller the clearance between the friction surfaces of the unit head is, the lower the selected lubricating viscosity is; the rougher the friction surface is, the higher the selected lubricating oil viscosity is, and the smaller the working taper of the selected lubricating grease is; when the unit is in normal operation, the unit oil temperature is generally high up to about 100 ¡æ, and the lubricating oil with higher viscosity, such as Feihe, should be selected. In general, the lubricating oil can not be replaced. If it is replaced arbitrarily, the lubricating environment of the equipment will fail, the friction surface of the unit will be damaged, and the head will be damaged. Unfortunately, each manufacturer claims that its own lubricant is irreplaceable with a special purpose. However, the actual physical and chemical indicators of the lubricant are never disclosed, creating a sense of confusion and mystery for customers. This is a trade secret and will not be repeated.
Nine misunderstandings in the selection and use of air compressor lubricating oil
Myth 5: more oil is better
Lack of lubricating oil will cause insufficient oil supply and poor lubrication, which will lead to mechanical accidents. Therefore, it is a misunderstanding to "prefer to add more oil" for fear of insufficient oil supply. In fact, the amount of lubricating oil must be appropriate, too much will increase the resistance of the unit, increase the driving power consumption of the unit, and the overheating of the lubricating parts will easily lead to the deterioration of the lubricating oil, oil production bubbles, emulsification and leakage, resulting in poor lubrication and shortening the service life of the unit. Of course, too little lubricating oil can not achieve the effect of lubrication, and there is damage to the unit.
Mistake 6: the higher viscosity is better than the lower viscosity
The selection of high viscosity grade of lubricating oil will cause poor pumping performance and flow reduction of oil pump, as well as deterioration of its lubricating performance, washing performance and cooling and heat dissipation performance. It is easy to cause semi dry friction of the required lubricating mechanism, resulting in mechanical accidents such as burning of tiles of piston unit, damage of holding axle and crank connecting rod.
Nine misunderstandings in the selection and use of air compressor lubricating oil
Myth 9: high price oil is good oil
Some people think that the high price must be good oil, and it must be easy to use. For this statement, we should look at it from two aspects. First of all, the use, for example, if the price of lubricating oil selected by Party A is higher than that of Party B, its sales price will be higher than that of Party B, and the price to users will be higher, but the quality of oil products may not be better than that of Party B. Second, the choice of oil is not to see which oil performance is the best, but to see whether the oil is suitable for operating conditions. If there are oil products suitable for the working conditions, choosing the ones with low price can save the cost for the enterprise.
In a word, lubrication is the guarantee for the normal operation of all mechanical equipment. Due to the different brands and models of air compressor units, the selection and use of lubricating oil should be considered comprehensively. The key is that the users should take good care of this
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