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One family left, another. Once proud, Chinese manufacturing has lost its appeal at the low end. On the one hand, the rapid rise of Southeast Asian countries, on the other hand, China's demographic dividend has disappeared. This situation obviously forces China's manufacturing industry to shift to the high-end.
An official from the Ministry of industry and information technology once said that in "made in China 2025", high-end equipment manufacturing is an important part. At present, China's high-end equipment manufacturing capacity needs to be greatly improved.
Look at the trend: the signal of policy leading is obvious
At the beginning of the new year, the local government took the lead in the field of high-end equipment manufacturing policy, and the development plan of high-end equipment manufacturing industry in Zhejiang Province (2014-2020), which was led by the economic and Information Commission of Zhejiang Province, was officially released. For the first time, the high-end equipment manufacturing industry was defined as the emerging industry, which was led by high and new technology, located in the high-end of the value chain and the core link of the industrial chain, and determined the comprehensive competitiveness of the entire industrial chain Industry. By 2020, the total output value of high-end equipment manufacturing industry will exceed 1.1 trillion yuan, with an average annual growth of 15%, accounting for 25% of the total output value of equipment manufacturing industry.
Zhejiang Province is not a whim. Last year, the scale of equipment manufacturing industry in the province ranked fourth in the country, among which the output value of high-end equipment manufacturing industry accounted for 20.4%.
In addition to Zhejiang Province, other provinces and regions are launching high-end equipment manufacturing projects.
On the official website of the Ministry of industry and information technology, the Ministry of industry and information technology issued a document saying that in the new round of industrial revolution, China, which is already in the middle and late stage of industrialization, must accelerate the realization of the development goal of manufacturing industry from big to strong. Manufacturing industry from big to strong is not only the inevitable choice of history and the internal law of development, but also the urgent need of reality. To speed up the construction of manufacturing power is not only the historical mission given by the times, but also the strategic choice to adapt to China's national conditions.
From this, it is not difficult to see that the article of MIIT shows the importance of the country to the manufacturing industry. The Ministry of industry and information technology even points out the key areas of development in a rare way. The paper points out that "the core of manufacturing power strategy is to develop strengths and avoid weaknesses to lay out high-end products. The high-end equipment manufacturing industry is "the most important tool of the country". To implement the strategy of building a strong manufacturing country, we must attach great importance to the development of high-end equipment manufacturing industry, focus on high-end fields such as intelligent manufacturing, energy saving and new energy vehicles, electric power equipment, rail transit equipment, aviation equipment, etc., focus on resource advantages, and increase the research on forward-looking and strategic issues in the development of major technical equipment. "
After sorting out the media, it is found that the planning formulated by the local government includes new energy vehicles and rail transit equipment, high-end ship equipment, photovoltaic and new energy equipment, efficient energy-saving and environmental protection equipment, robot and intelligent manufacturing equipment and key infrastructure.
High end equipment manufacturing is still a blue ocean
Although the state and enterprises have attached great importance to the field of high-end equipment manufacturing for several years, at present, this field is still a "blue ocean" with great potential.
"There are many aspects to catch up with in the field of high-end equipment manufacturing," an official from the Ministry of labor and information technology said
According to the customs data, the annual output value of complete sets of high-end equipment imported in China is about 300 billion US dollars, which is 1.37:1 compared with the total domestic production, of which 90% of high-end CNC machine tools, CNC systems, etc. depend on imports; in addition, the development trend of main engine cavitation is obvious, key parts and matching systems rely heavily on imports, more than 1 / 4 of nuclear power related pump valves, high-end hydraulic parts rely on imports.
During the two sessions last year, a number of CPPCC members and deputies to the National People's Congress expressed their hope that the state would introduce policies to support the manufacturing of high-end equipment, especially the financial support policies. The R & D of high-end equipment manufacturing needs high investment. In the state of the real economy downturn, it is difficult for enterprises to have more investment in R & D of high-end equipment products.
Luo shaming, member of the CPPCC National Committee, last year's proposal is related to high-end equipment manufacturing. He hopes to increase investment in science and technology, and give full play to the role of private capital, venture capital and other funds in improving the independent research and development capacity of high-end equipment and building core technology competitiveness.
An industry blue book released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences points out that China's manufacturing industry is stepping into a new stage of moving towards the middle and high-end. The advantages of traditional labor and resource intensive products, low skill and technology intensive products are gradually weakening, and the advantages of middle and high-end skill and technology intensive products are climbing and accumulating.
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